A new age in HIV
HIV testing, prevention, and treatment have all improved. We have the tools to end new HIV infections in Oregon.
End HIV Oregon is our state’s initiative to end new HIV infections.
HIV is a community issue. We all have an HIV status, and we all play a role. Together, let’s end new infections. It starts with each of us.

What you need to know about HIV

Untransmittable (U=U)
A person living with HIV who has an undetectable viral load cannot transmit HIV through sex. An undetectable viral load means that a person has an extremely low amount of the virus in their blood. HIV treatment medications make it possible to have an undetectable viral load.
What can you do?

There are HIV testing locations throughout the state, including local clinics, public health departments, and your health care provider. Home testing is also available.

Protect yourself and your partners from getting HIV through safe sex practices. Get PrEP (a daily pill or periodic injection that prevents the person taking it from getting HIV) and free condoms.

Treatment support is available to anyone in Oregon who tests positive for HIV. When HIV is managed with daily medicine, you can live a happy, healthy, sexually active life. Knowing your status protects your health and the health of your sex partners.

HIV continues to be a public health challenge in Oregon. We are focused on ending new HIV/STI infections by using a whole-person lens, and by working toward racial and ethnic equity. We cannot end new HIV/STI transmissions without ending inequities and addressing structural factors that keep some people more vulnerable than others.