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Partners around the state are helping people

End HIV Oregon has a network of more than 50 partner organizations that provide HIV testing services, PrEP, prevention resources, and case management to people living with HIV/AIDS in our state. Thanks to their hard work, care, and support, people are getting access to the HIV/STI services they need to stay healthy.

What our partners are doing

I take care of myself, I take care of you

Familias en Acción

Familias en Acción was founded in 1998, in response to the need for a culturally specific organization to promote health for Latino/x/é communities in Oregon. Since 2020, Familias has been leading community efforts to promote sexual health and increase access to HIV/STI testing, education, and other resources for community members. Highlights include:

  • Me Cuido, Te Cuido, a culturally responsive sexual health curriculum Familias created and has used to train community health workers statewide.
  • In 2021, Familias hosted a sexual-health focused Latino Health Equity Conference attended by more than 400 participants.
  • In 2023, Familias launched a statewide Learning Collaborative to build capacity among Latiné leaders to design and implement strategies to eliminate HIV/STI inequities among Latiné people in Oregon.
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If you have questions about becoming an End HIV Oregon partner or accessing partner resources, email our team.

Who are our partners?